
現代紫微斗數主要分為兩大派別,即星情三合派與四化飛星派。紫微斗數的要點在星情、宫位、四化,三合派重星情,飛星派重點在四化,四化是斗數的精髓。紫微斗數斷命,先查出人的出生年、月、日、時干支,而後排出个人的十二宮圖(命宮、兄弟宮、夫妻宮、子女宮、財帛宮、疾厄宮、遷移宮、交友宮、事业宮、田宅宫、福德宮、父母宮),依出生时辰的五行局查出相應的星名(包括天文學上沒有的天機星、天府星、文曲星等虛星) 分別填入十二宮內,排出命盤,然後結合各宮的星相組合、干支理論,來預測一個人的流年運程、吉凶禍福。

“Zi Wei Dou Shu” although is literally translated into Emperor (Zi Wei), Constellation (Dou), System of Calculations (Shu), it is however widely and more popularly known as “Purple Star Astrology” as “Zi Wei” is referred as the Purple Star while “Dou Shu” is described as a system of Chinse Astrology. It could decode extremely specific details with comprehensive information using virtual stars derived from the positions of the celestial nodes of various planetary bodies. According to legendary Chinese mythology, “Zi Wei Dou Shu” was originated by a Taoist name Lu Dong Bin 吕洞宾 of the Eight Immortals 八仙) in the Tang Dynasty and later developed by Chen Xi Yi 陈希夷 during Sung Dynasty over 1000 years ago.

Purple Star Astrology is practiced under two major schools: Flying Stars and San He lineage. Either of this school of thoughts could analyze and decode the destiny covers all aspects of our daily lives ranging from our own character, personality and appearance to our siblings, romance & relationship, children, wealth, health, travel & external luck, friends, career, property, mental and parents.